February 2024

Brainstorming with the Journalists to see how they can partner with CSOs to help WES.

NeCSOs had call the Media houses in Yambio on 6th, Feb 2024 to discuss the following questions: 1-Why are we not united as CSOs and Media houses? It seems that there’s no good relationship between CSOs and the union of journalists in WES. In most cases, it’s the CSOs who look for the journalists for […]

Brainstorming with the Journalists to see how they can partner with CSOs to help WES. Read More »

Round Table Discussion on the roles of the Political Parties in Promoting Democracy and Good Governance in Western Equatoria State

On 31st Jan 2024, The Network for Civil Society Organizations (NeCSOs) conducted a Round Table Discussion on the roles of the political parties in promoting Democracy and good governance in Western Equatoria State.This activity was implemented by NeCSOs in partnership with CIDA and all the political parties in the state attended. Political parties such as

Round Table Discussion on the roles of the Political Parties in Promoting Democracy and Good Governance in Western Equatoria State Read More »

Radio talk show conducted on Civil Society Resolution on the Transitional Process in South Sudan(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Radio talk show conducted on Civil Society Resolution on the Transitional Process in South Sudan(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) The Radio talk show program was conducted on 25th, Dec 2024 by the Network of the Civil Society Organizations W.E.S to collect the community views if it’s okay for the coming Election to take place before the

Radio talk show conducted on Civil Society Resolution on the Transitional Process in South Sudan(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) Read More »

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