CSOs Praised The Government for Response in Quelling Tombura, Ezo and Nagero Tensions

The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Western Equatoria State hailed the government for making bold steps to deal with the wave of insecurity in the state.

A delegation led by the Chairperson of the Network for Civil Society Organizations, Mr Wanga Emmanuel, visited the office of the Governor of Western Equatorial State on Thursday 30, May, 2024 where they praised the collective efforts of the County, State and National government for the decisions made.

“We are here to acknowledge and appreciate the responsive and effective measures taken by the government, the collection of firearms and the arrests have significantly improved security and allowed for some normalcy to return to the villages in Tombura county,” said the CSOs.

In a press conference after the meeting, The Govern0r lauded the CSOs for their crucial role in highlighting the issues and facilitating dialogue. He emphasized that the conflict in Tombura is not solely a tribal issue between the two communities because there is a mixed composition of the local camps. He assured continued efforts to restore peace and stability.

“The Civil Society Organizations’ advocacy was instrumental in our approach to addressing the Tombura conflict,” said Governor of W.E.S.“ Their efforts have not only helped us focus on the core issues but also brought about positive changes on the ground; we have collected about 1,000 guns from various groups, and we are committed to further reducing tensions,” he stated.
The Governor of W.E.S urged CSOs to maintain their active involvement and collaboration with the government to make sure that peace prevails in every corner of the state.
“I encourage Civil Society Organizations to keep up their good work and support Western Equatoria State and South Sudan at large. Your participation is vital in our ongoing efforts to build peace and unity,” he added.

The visit comes a month after renewed violence erupted between the two communities. During this period, the state government, in coordination with the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF), made substantial progress in de-escalating the conflict. This included the arrest of suspects in Tombura, Ezo, and Nagero counties, and restoring movement in previously unsafe areas.

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