Institutional Development and Organizational Development(ID & OD) Training to CSOs in Ibba and Maridi Counties

The Network for Civil Society Organizations (NeCSOs) continues to train CSOs across WES to strengthen their capacities and make them proactive in the community. NeCSOs was able to combine Ibba County and Maridi County at once this time  for the 6 days training.


Ibba had 4 Civil Society Organizations and Maridi had 15 Civil Society Organizations who went for the training. NeCSOs transported the CSOs in Ibba County to Maridi County and took them back after the training. The participants had testify the importance of the training to their organization and individuals in their organizations via the WhatsApp CSOs Forum. This was a continuation of the Organizational Development and Institutional Development (OD & ID) training which started with Nzara County, which covered some CSOs in Yambio and it has also been done in Tambura and Ezo Counties. The training in Maridi had started on 15th of Apri,l 2024, and Ended on 20th, April, 2024. The Chairperson for NeCSOs was accompanied by the Field Officer, two facilitators, and one person from the Media House for the trip to Maridi County.  Each Civil Society Organization brought 3 individuals, one from Board members, one from an Executive Director, and another one from finance. The training was opened by The Maridi County’s Government Official for legal assurance. NeCSOs is only left now with CSOs in Mvolo and Mundiri-West Counties to receive this kind of training.


Wrote by: Bingba Tito

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