Institution Development and Organization Development Training in Nzara

Network for Civil Society Organizations trained CSOs in Nzara county for five days which started on the date of 23rd October 2023. The training had 29 participants of which 18 were male and 11 were female. These trainings were carried out in areas of:

  • Leadership, Advocacy, and lobbying

  • Organization vision, mission, objectives, values, Strategic plan,
    Constitution and Policies (board charter, finance, procurement, child protection, Human resource, code of conduct, fraud, and corruption).

  • Public relations and Networking

  • Planning, reporting, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Proposal Development/resource mobilization, saving, and income-generating program

  • Budgeting, financial report, asset management, different financial documents and use, Audit.

Monitoring is required after the training to see if the implementation of these trainings is done by the CSOs. These trainings are part of the Capacity building to CSOs under the #Caritas project which started earlier with
Computer skills training in Introduction to Computer, Internet, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.


Writer: Bingba Tito

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