Capacity Building Training was offered to CSOs by United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Civil Affairs Division in Collaboration with Network for Civil Society Organizations on the R-RCSS(Road Map), permanent Constitution-Making Process and election. This Training started on 21st and ended on 22nd of March. Thanks to NeCSOs leadership that continue to work hard to make partnership with institutions that continue to train CSOs in the state, this is a right thing in the right direction.
40 members of CSOs in Yambio and Nzara attended the training coming from 20 different organizations with 50/50% gander representation. After the two days training, members who attended came up with the
Below resolutions on behalf of all CSOs in the state:
1-CSOs have accepted to become ambassadors to disseminate message of the peace agreement roadmap, constitutional making process and the election process in other Counties of WES.
2-UNMISS should support the Network in disseminating the same message of roadmap and constitutional making process to other Counties of WES
3-CSO should be involved in the population consultation process during the permanent constitution making at the State levels
4-CSOs should participate in the electoral processes and be able to monitor the elections.
5-CSOs should be proactive in following the peace agreement road map implementation, permanent constitution making process and election.
6-Creation of a neutral space (NeCSOs state office) as civic engagement center in collaboration with partners (through UNMISS QIPs).
7-Improve collaboration between CSOs at the State and National level through exchange visits.
8-CSOs at the State levels should be engaged in all constitutional and electoral processes not only be represented by Juba based CSOs.
9-CSOs should mobilize resources to support the constitution making process and electoral processes to ensure our participation.